Category archives: Real Estate

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Apartment Owners Beware!

Apartment Owners Beware!

Under the Fair Housing Act (“FHA”), it is unlawful to “discriminate against any person in the terms, conditions, or privileges of sale or rental of a dwelling, or in the provision of services or facilities in connection therewith, because of . . . sex.” 42 U.S.C. 3604(b). This means that the FHA protects a prospective tenant or homebuyer from receiving different or less favorable treatment in housing terms, conditions, or privileges based on their sex. Until recently, it was unclear whether sexual harassment qualifies as sex discrimination under the FHA.

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Are You A Contractor?

Are You A Contractor?

When performing any type of work on a building, home, or apartment, it is critical to determine whether you must be licensed to perform that work because, as some people find out the hard way, the client may be able to avoid paying you.

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OSHA Regulations In A COVID-19 Era

OSHA Regulations In A COVID-19 Era

OSHA will be increasing the number of its inspections. Inspections will vary by industry risk (from low to very high), the nature of a complaint(s), multiple complaints, or other reasons like a random inspection.

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Employer/Employee Rights Under The New COVID-19 Legislation Article

Employer/Employee Rights Under The New COVID-19 Legislation Article

In the wake of the coronavirus pandemic, Congress enacted legislation to assist U.S. workers and to define an employer’s new obligations to those workers.

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What To Do If An Employee Tests Positive for COVID-19

What To Do If An Employee Tests Positive for COVID-19

Take the right steps in ensuring the safety of your employees during the COVID-19 pandemic.

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Coronavirus (COVID-19): A Force Majeure Defense?

Coronavirus (COVID-19): A Force Majeure Defense?

Does Florida Law Provide Relief to Contracting Parties in the Form of the Doctrines of Impossibility of Performance, Acts of God, Frustration of Purpose, and Force Majeure, Due to the Coronavirus (COVID-19)?

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Businesses Combating the Coronavirus COVID-19

Businesses Combating the Coronavirus COVID-19

For business and business owners, this global pandemic can be worrisome and fearful. In an attempt to prevent the Coronavirus COVID-19 from affecting you, please keep in mind the following tips.

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Miami Real Estate Attorney Blog: Foreclosures and How You Can Defend Yourself

Miami Real Estate Attorney Blog: Foreclosures and How You Can Defend Yourself

Foreclosure defines a legal procedure that gives lenders the right to recover the balance of loans from the borrowers who have stopped making payments. Evidently, the instability of the housing market turns foreclosure into a frightening reality for many people.

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Miami Real Estate: Benefits To Hiring a Real Estate Lawyer

Miami Real Estate: Benefits To Hiring a Real Estate Lawyer

Moving to and living in Miami may be your long-time dream. Because buying a home is one of the biggest purchases you will be likely to make in your life, you cannot afford anything to go wrong, and you should seriously consider hiring a local real estate attorney in Miami.

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